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In einer englischen Survivalnewsgroup (misc.survivalism) fand ich diesen Text über die Herstellung von Sauerteig (engl. Sourdough), ein beliebter Brotteig in der Wildnis. Demnächst werde ich eine korrekte Übersetzung unter diesen Link stellen.

From my cook book file :-)

Sourdough bread

An old favorite, sourdough bread has been with us for many years and is many peoples' idea of the perfect accompaniment to a meal. In Alaska during the gold rush it became the preferred bread of the miners. Soon the label "sourdough" was attached to the miners themselves.

Step one
1/2 cup of sugar
1 cup of water
I-1/2 cup of flour

Mix above ingredients into your starter. (See below for starter.) Cover and let stand at room temperature for 10 - 12 hours. Remove 1-1/2 cups and place in a covered jar in the refrigerator to replenish your stored starter.

Step two
1/3 cup of sugar
1/2 cup of vegetable oil
2 teaspoons of salt
11/2 cups of water
4 cups of flour

Mix sugar, vegetable oil, salt, and water gradually with approximately four cups of flour or until a hearty dough is made. Knead thoroughly until no lumps remain. There is no such thing as "too much kneading" - the more the better. Place dough in an oversized, greased bowl and cover with a towel. The dough should be allowed to rise at room temperature. This is best acomplished overnight. The next morning, punch your dough down and divide into loaves. This recipe will make about three normal sized loaves. Place in greased baking pans and allow to rise again until size has doubled. Bake at 350 F for 45 minutes. A little butter allowed to melt over the top of the loaves is the final stage and will add flavor.

Sourdough starter

Maintaining a starter was an important responsibility for the early American homemakers. The recipes-and starters-were generally passed from mother to daughter. In the event a homesteader's starter turned bad or was lost for any one of many reasons, it was sometimes necessary to travel great distances in order to get one from a neighboring family. Here is a more modern starter that uses a small amount of yeast to get started. While the yeast gives you a jump ahead, the end product is much the same as any other, more traditionally begun starter.

1 tablespoon of active dry yeast
2-/2 cups of warm water
2-/2 cups of unbleached white flour.

Dissolve the yeast in a glass bowl containing one cup of lukewarm water. Stir in the flour and remaining warm water and mix well. Cover and let stand four to five days in a warm place. Temperature should be between 75 to 90' F. A windowsill is a great place, as long as it doesn't get too warm. If it gets too hot, the yeast will be killed. Until it's needed, the starter can be stabilized in the refugisator.

Sourdough potato starter

After boiling several potatoes for your evening meal, pour off the still-warm water. Allow to cool until lukewarm and add flour to produce a thick batter. Let stand for at least 24 hours or until it smells yeasty. The star can be when potatoes were available.

"You can also make your own yeast as old-time homesteaders did. Mix together 1 cup of cooked mashed potatoes, 1/4 cup of sugar, 2 teaspoons salt, and 1 cup of warm water (105 to 115 degrees F). Pour the mixture into a 1-quart glass jar, cover with a cloth, and leave in a warm place (80 to 85 degress F) for two days or until it ferments and bubbles up. One cup of this mixture is equivalent to one package of dry yeast or one cake of compressed yeast. everytime you use a cupful, replenish the starter by stirring in 3/4 cup of flour and 3/4 cup of potato water, water, or milk. Allow to ferment for a day or so and return, covered, to the refrigerator. It is best to use the starter once a week. If you do not, stir it down after three or four weeks, discard half of it, and replenish the balance with flour one one of the liquids."

To make a starter: Dissolve 1 pkg. active dry yeast in 1/2 cup warm (NOT hot) water stir in:

2 cups flour
2 cups lukewarm water
1 Tbs. sugar
1 Tsp. salt

Let stand uncovered for 4 days, stir 2 or 3 times a day. Cover at night to prevent drying.

To keep it alive after using it in a recipe:

add 1/2 cup water
1/2 cup flour
1 Tsp. sugar.

let stand until bubbly & well fermented (at least 2 days)

Cover, refrigerate until used again. If not used within 10 days, add 1 Tsp. sugar to keep it alive. Repeat as necessary.


2 cups sourdough starter
2 eggs
4 Tbs. sugar
1 tsp. soda
4 Tbs. melted shortening or oil

Mix and cook on hot griddle. (Again, feed the leftover starter)

I've got a recipie from the pamphlet "Baking with Sourdough"

4 cups unbleached white flour
2 tsp salt
2 tbsp honey
4 cups potato water

Mix all ingredients together in a non-metallic container. The container should be large enough that it can more than double in bulk. Let the mixture stand, loosely covered, in a warm place (85 degrees is ideal). In two or three days either the mixture will begin to froth, expand, and smell sour, or it will mold and smell worse. If the first happens, you have captured wild yeast and created your own starter. Let it season a couple of days in the refrigerator and then try baking it to see if you like the flavor. (You may not. Some yeasts leaven but they taste terrible.)
If you end up with a smelly, moldy bowl of flour and water, not a sign of bubble or froth to be seen, the catch has eluded you. Throw the mess away and try again.
That is " the end of the world as we know it" (teotwawki) recipe. (BTW, to get potato water, boil potatoes and use the leftover water. Let cool first.) I would use this if I didn't have a source of viable yeast.

Recipe #2

1 package dry yeast
2 cups unbleached white flour
1 1/2 cups warm water
1 tbsp honey

Do the same thing as in the first recipe. It will begin to froth almost immediately. It will take a a longer time for the bubbles to permeate the mixture and for the sour smell characteristic of sourdough to develop.
After the mixture has soured and fermented, mix down and refrigerate. It will be better after a few days in the fridge, and after it has been used and replenished for a week it will be better yet.
Using the starter regularly keeps it in good shape because when you use it it should also replenish (a kind of feeding) the pot.

Replenishing is simply a matter of putting into the pot about the same amounts fo flour and water as you take out. Starter needs air to live, so don't cover tightly.

Die amerikanische Newsgroup rec.food.sourdough gibt weitere Auskünfte, Rezepte und Anregungen.
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